This week the central part of the Medburn Building disappeared from view behind the white sheeting which will protect students and staff during the demolition works. It seemed important to capture on camera the last glimpses of a building in which some of our staff worked and which many of our parents remember from their days as students at Sir William Collins School, as SCCS was then known. Already, much of the interior of the building has been stripped away, as Mr Tedesco, Ms Bayford and I were able to see for ourselves last week on a site inspection visit. We are all really excited about the prospect of moving in to the renovated building in a year's time, as its light and spacious rooms will provide a great working environment with fantastic views over the London skyline from the top floor in particular.
Yesterday, we turned our attention to the visual environment in the new school. A group of Year Council representatives, teaching and support staff and the Chair of Governors met with the architect and design team from BAM in a workshop led by our Client Design Advisor, Pascale Scheurer of Surface to Air Architects, to make recommendations about the use of colour, display and signage. Our task was to suggest how the school's core values of Creativity, Sustainability and Inclusion could be clear to all who learn in, work at or visit South Camden Community School.
After two hours of thought and discussion our many ideas were taken away by the design team to help them create an exciting new image for the school without losing its identity as SCCS.
Don't forget you can see more photos (including dramatic images of the crane lifting the new food tech classroom from its lorry in Charrington Street during half term, and panoramic views from the Medburn roof) by clicking on the link to our photo gallery here!