Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Energy from the Earth

SCCS took an important symbolic step towards a more sustainable future today when the geothermal piling for the ground source heat pumps began with the first borehole outside Music Room 2.  Eventually 60 boreholes, each a scarcely imaginable 150 metres deep, will be connected via a network of pipes to the new boilerhouse which will be constructed in what was the food technology room.  Students will have the chance to find out more about the green energy which will power the new school during Green Week in March - and there will be more on the Blog about it as the drilling progresses.

Next week the construction team will be busy in many areas of the school site, taking advantage of the half term break to make as much progress as they can when the school is (almost) empty.  Look out for a further update in two weeks' time, when there should be many changes to report in words and pictures.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week Six

The rubble from the demolition of the gyms is now mainly cleared, and surveyors have been setting out the site for the foundations of the new building.   Elsewhere, BAM's site offices have been installed - a three-storey green and orange cube at the top of Charrington Street - and the playground is being prepared for the start of the geothermal piling which will provide the heating for the new school.  After half term, Green Week followed by Science and Engineering Week will provide the first big opportunities for students to take part in projects and activities with BAM about the construction that will be taking place on site and about the sustainable and environmentally friendly place the new school will be.  Meanwhile, students have been enjoying the spring sunshine in the main Quad before the work to modernise the Medburn Building, in the left of the photo, starts in earnest in a few months time.

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